
Interactive Church Resources offers a variety of services including RENTALS of Audience Response Systems. 

cropped-ICR-Key-pad-without-webstie.gifWe facilitate interactive meetings for every conceivable application, with both small and large groups ranging from 10 to 1000 people. We offer consulting services in creating, facilitating and follow-up analysis and problem solving.

We provide interactive technological solutions tailored to your unique requirements and budget.

Call us today to discuss the wide range of possibilities available to you.
Call 1.877.427.5111


Through our sister company,
Interactive Church Consulting, we offer a variety of levels of consulting services to fit your unique needs.Through our consulting services, we seek to support and guide you in analyzing the data, and help bring clarity and focus to ministry and mission.


Choose one or more of these options that matches your ministry needs:

  1. Congregational Surveys & Church Health Assessment
    • Diagnose: Identify strengths and weaknesses to individual and corporate spiritual health/growth
      • Gather information and opinions anonymously, then explore in further depth with analysis and discussion
      • Benchmark Question Referencing. ICR provides comparative data from other churches on key spiritual health questions from the Spiritual EKG
    • Prescribe: Examine steps for attaining spiritual health
      • Develop a sequential action plan for addressing weaknesses and capitalizing on strengths, through partnering with Interactive Church Consulting
    • Implement: Provide follow-up support and consultation helping implement an action plan to resolve the issues
  1. Interactive Preaching/Teaching
    • Increases learning retention
    • Engages listeners at deeper levels of thought
    • Affirms that no one is alone
    • Helps identify people’s needs
    • Allows the speaker to adjust and tailor the message

3. Conferences/Conventions

    • Electing officials
    • Passing bi-laws
    • Voting on resolutions

4. Critical Decision Making

    • Capital Campaigns
    • Staffing Changes
    • Ministry & Program Changes

5. Team Building & Training

    • Leadership Team Tune-Ups
    • Staff/Leadership Training
    • Seminar/Session/Workshop
    • Individual & Group Personality Assessments
    • Team building exercises

6. Celebrations & Milestone Events

    • Create excitement
    • Group games & team competitions
    • Cultivate an increased sense of community
    • Gather and share data in a fun environment

7. Educational Interactive Games

    • Educational Interactive Games
    • Teach while having fun
    • Increase learning retention
    • Use team competitions

8.  Custom Application

    • Ask about our designing a unique application to meet your individual needs